Frequently Asked Questions

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What is TrackCC - and what functions does it provide?

  • TrackCC is designed for schools of all types to track
    • Class attendance
    • Class behavior
    • Class grading
    • Class communications
  • TrackCC can be used by all kinds of schools:
    • Public schools
    • Private schools
    • Home schools
    • Day care & Kindergarten
    • Colleges & Universities
    • Music schools
    • Dance schools
    • Sports schools
    • Religious schools
    • Summer camps
  • The school administration can be done both on the TrackCC app & website
  • Teachers, students & guardians / advisors can use their laptops, tablets or phones
    • The TrackCC app is available for iOS devices, Mac, and Android devices
    • Windows users can access TrackCC via a website interface
  • Highlights:
    • Sample accounts make it easy to understand how the system works
    • All functions are customizable to your school's needs
    • Automatic built-in backup to the cloud
    • Automatic sync between multiple devices
    • The TrackCC app works offline as well (no internet connection required to record data)
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What is the feature list for School PRO?

expand collapse  Attendance
  • Separate check-in & check-out
  • Customize up to 5 attendance types for each
  • Statistics per student and per class
  • Create your own statistics periods
  • Record attendance with barcode scanner
  • Record attendance with NFC chip reader
expand collapse  Behavior
  • Track points for up to 26 behavior items
  • Customize behavior items per class
  • Points range from -99 to +99 per behavior per day
  • Statistics per student and per class
  • Create your own statistics periods
  • A behavior can be anything measurable with points for counting
  • E.g. a soccer coach can use it to track goals scored in practice
  • Or a dance teacher can use it to track routines performed
expand collapse  Grading
  • Track points & grades for up to 26 grading subjects
  • Customize grading subjects per class
  • Points per subject range from 0 to 999
  • Define your own grading system
  • Grades per subject & overall grades
  • Statistics per student and per class
  • Create your own statistics periods
expand collapse  Student reports
  • Summary of student’s attendance, behavior & grading data
  • Teacher’s notes per each daily recorded item
  • Includes student notes, class notes
  • History view shows all items in chronological order
  • Statistics view shows all data in a graphical format
  • View statistics by period, or data details by date
expand collapse  App communication
  • Daily student-specific notes & photo
  • Daily class-wide notes & photo
  • Student reports condense all recorded data
  • Complete history & full statistic
  • Students & guardians / advisors get a consolidated student report
  • Private school-only student accounts (in lieu of email accounts)
expand collapse  Email communication
  • Web-based email tool
  • Customize message & include embedded images
  • Include clickable links & file attachments
  • Send emails to students, guardians / advisors & teachers
  • Email tool keeps track of bounced emails
  • Both teacher & administrator can send emails
expand collapse  Notifications
  • Students and guardians / advisors can receive automatic notifications
  • E.g. when a student is marked as absent, the guardian / advisor will receive an email
  • Two types of notifications: App & email
  • Configure which notification method is preferred per student and per guardian / advisor
expand collapse  Limits
  • Max 1000 students per teacher / school term
  • Max 100 classes per teacher / school term
  • Max 100 teachers / school term
  • Max 100 school terms / school
expand collapse  Other features
  • iOS, macOS and Android apps work both online & offline (no internet)
  • Automatic cloud backup when connected
  • Real-time multi-device sync
  • All data exportable as XLS or CSV
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What attendance functions does TrackCC provide?

  • Record daily attendance by student, e.g.
    • Present
    • Absent - excused
    • Absent - unexcused
    • Tardy
    • Left early
  • Customize the legend for the 5 attendance types
  • Optional additional check-out attendance tracking
  • Add daily attendance notes per student
  • Access attendance history data using a calendar
  • View attendance statistics by student per period
  • Instantly share attendance data with guardians / advisors
  • Share attendance data with school administrators
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What behavior functions does TrackCC provide?

  • Record daily behavior by student, e.g.
    • Teamwork
    • Persistence
    • Participation
    • Preparedness
    • Follows instruction
    • Willing to help others
  • Customize up to 26 behavior types per class
  • Award from -99 to +99 points per behavior type per day for each student
  • Add daily behavior notes per student
  • Use an optional audible sound when awarding behavior points
  • Access behavior history using a calendar
  • View behavior statistics by student per period
  • Instantly share behavior data with guardians / advisors & students
  • Share behavior data with school administrators
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What grading functions does TrackCC provide?

  • Record daily grades by student, e.g.
    • Daily homework
    • Pop quiz
    • Class exam
    • Term project
  • Customize up to 26 grading types per class
  • Add daily grading notes per student
  • Access grading history data using a calendar
  • View grading statistics by student per period
  • Assign grade symbols based on percentage scores for assignments
  • Create an overall student grade based on weighted percentages for grading items
  • Instantly share grading data with guardians / advisors & students
  • Share grading data with school administrators
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What student communication functions does TrackCC provide?

  • Record daily student notes e.g.
    • General notes about student progress
    • Reminders for guardians / advisors about student-specific events
    • Summary notes typically handled in teacher to guardian / advisor conferences
  • Customize the daily student notes with a photo / image
  • Access past student notes using a calendar
  • Instantly share student notes with guardians / advisors & students
  • Send email to students, include images or file attachments to the email
  • Allow students to post homework assignments via file upload (coming soon)
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What class communication functions does TrackCC provide?

  • Record daily class notes e.g.
    • General notes about subjects taught, lessons learned
    • Daily class activity report
    • Reminder for guardians / advisors about upcoming events
    • Acknowledgements about students who excelled that day
  • Customize the daily class notes with a photo / image
  • Access past class notes using a calendar
  • Instantly share class notes with guardians / advisors & students
  • Send email to all students in class, include images or file attachments to the email
  • Teachers can send homework assignments for students as file attachment via email
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What calendar functions does TrackCC provide?

  • Create calendar events per-class, per teacher, per school
  • Share real-time school calendar with students & guardians
  • Students with multiple teachers will see a combined calendar
  • Calendar data includes title, class, date, time, location, image, URL and notes
  • Attach an image to each calendar event
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Who is behind TrackCC?

  • TrackCC was founded in 2014 with a mission to make class management super easy using mobile devices
  • TrackCC designs and develops all its technology in house to be in full control of the whole user experience
  • The company has 6 employees, each with a solid background in their respective fields:
    • Project / product management
    • Graphics & design
    • Web development
    • iOS & Android app development
    • Cloud services
  • The company is 100% owned by its founders and is based in the Seattle area in Washington State, USA
  • TrackCC servers are hosted by Amazon Web Services
  • For more information, see:
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What does TrackCC stand for?

  • TrackCC is a registered trademark, intended to be an easy-to-remember brand name
  • The "CC" in TrackCC stands for
    • Class Conduct
    • Class Communications
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Got feedback about our future plans? Drop us a note at

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What does TrackCC cost?

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Does the School PRO subscription renew automatically?

  • No. User action is required to renew all subscriptions
  • TrackCC does not keep the credit card info on file so autorenewals are not possible
  • The renewal can be done at any time, before or after expiration of the subscription
  • Each subscription is for a year, and purchasing extends an existing subscription expiration date by a year
  • If you add student licenses in the middle of the year
    • The licenses are discounted by the time remaining on the School PRO subscription
    • The expiration date for the new student licenses will be the same as for the earlier purchases
  • When the subscription expires
    • No data is lost or deleted
    • You’ll be able to view data but not modify or add data
    • Resubscribing will restore all access
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How is the payment made - can I use my PayPal account or a credit card? How about a PO?

  • The payment for all subscriptions can be made online using
    • Debit or credit card, or
    • PayPal account
  • Note that you can also use a debit card or credit card when choosing the PayPal payment option
  • The purchase is done online and takes effect immediately - you will be provided an email receipt
  • Purchase orders are not supported to keep the system paper-free and fully automated
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How can I access my own attendance, behavior and grading data?

  • The student functions allow you to access your own data, as tracked by your teacher
    • Install the free TrackCC app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play
    • Or use your computer’s browser to access the TrackCC website
    • Ask your teacher to invite you to access your own student data
    • Your teacher will decide whether to use email accounts or non-email accounts for access
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What kind of information will I be able to see?

  • If the teacher is using all TrackCC functions, you’ll be able to view
    • Your attendance history
    • Your behavior points & statistics
    • Your homework / exam scores and overall grade
    • Class notes and your own student-specific notes
  • When using the TrackCC app, you’ll get an instant notification of any updates to your data
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Can I use the TrackCC app, or do I need to use the TrackCC website?

  • You can use either
  • Your data is always backed up in the cloud
    • E.g. you can upgrade your phone without losing any data
    • Simply install the TrackCC app on your new phone and sign in
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I don't yet have an email address, what can I do?

  • Your teacher can give you access via a non-email account
    • The account ID looks like an email address but can only be used with TrackCC
    • The teacher will provide you the account ID and initial password
    • When you sign in, you then need to choose your own password so that no one else can view your data
    • The TrackCC app will automatically keep you signed in on your phone
    • If you sign out and forget your password, your teacher can reset the password for you
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If I have an email address, how can I get access to my own data?

  • Follow these steps:
    • Install the free TrackCC app
    • Create yourself a student account on the TrackCC app
    • Ask your teacher to add your email address to your student record
  • If you have multiple teachers, you can use the same account to access your data for all classes
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Can I keep track of my data through multiple grade levels?

  • Yes, as you progress to upper grade levels, you can keep your assessment history
  • Your grade levels are represented by school terms set by your teacher
  • For example, if your teachers have used TrackCC during school year 2018–2019 and 2019-2020
    • You’ll be shown your present school term data by default
    • You can go back to previous term’s data by choosing 2018-2019 from the school terms selection
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How can I access my student’s attendance, behavior or grading data?

  • The guardian / advisor function allows you to access your student's data, as tracked by your student’s teacher
    • Install the free TrackCC app from the Apple App Store or Google Play
    • Or use your computer’s browser to access the TrackCC website
    • Ask the teacher to invite you to access your student's data
    • You’ll get an email with instructions how to sign in
  • You can create yourself an account with the app to get ready
  • Once the teacher invites you to view your student’s data, you’ll get automatic access
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What kind of information will I be able to see?

  • If the teacher is using all TrackCC functions, you’ll be able to view
    • Your student’s attendance history
    • Your student’s behavior points & statistics
    • Your students homework / exam scores
    • Class notes and your student-specific notes
  • When using the TrackCC app, you’ll get an instant notification of any updates to your data
  • You can manage which notifications you want to receive by tapping the “Settings” toolbar icon
  • The teacher can also configure you to receive notifications via email message
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Can I get data from multiple teachers, and for all my students?

  • Yes, you can use the TrackCC app for multiple classes taught by different teachers
  • If you have 2 students in the same school
    • You can use the same TrackCC account for both your students
    • You’ll see both your students’ data using the TrackCC app
  • Each of the teachers will need to invite you to view the student data from both students
  • You can use the same account if you have students in different schools which use TrackCC
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Does the app provide a way to communicate with the teacher?

  • The teacher can send messages about your student in multiple ways
    • Notes added to the daily attendance
    • Notes added to the daily behavior
    • Notes added to the daily grading
    • Daily student notes
    • Daily class notes
  • There's a toolbar button on the app that allows you to send an email to the teacher
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I have multiple students in different schools, can I use the app for all my students?

  • Yes, you can use TrackCC to view all your students' assessments, provided the teachers are using TrackCC
  • The app can handle multiple students in multiple classes, taught by multiple teachers across multiple schools
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Is my student's data visible to anyone else?

  • The administrator is in full control of who gets to see your student's data
  • By default, only the administrator can see the data
    • Your student's teacher(s) will have access to the student data
    • The administrator can invite the student to see his / her own data
    • The administrator can invite the guardian / advisor to see the student data
  • No one else will be able to gain access to your student’s data
  • It is the administrator’s responsibility to verify that the account email permitted access is the correct one
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How do I get started with TrackCC as a teacher in my school?

  • You’ll get an email invitation once your administrator has set everything up
  • You’d then do one of the following:
    • Android phones & tablets: Install the TrackCC app from Google Play
    • iPhones and iPads: Install the TrackCC app from Apple App Store
    • Mac computers: Install the TrackCC app from Mac App Store
    • Windows computers: Navigate to
  • The administrator will create a TrackCC account for you
  • And you will be supplied with an initial password in the invitation email
  • You’d then sign in as a Teacher using the email address & password specified in the email
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What do I need to configure once I have signed in to my account?

  • Nothing at all, the school administrator has set everything up for your class
  • All your students have been added and student details are set
  • All your classes and set and students are assigned to the classes
  • The administrator has configured which TrackCC functions your school will use
  • And all the attendance, behavior and grading items (if in use) have been customized
  • The administrator has also pre-set all the statistics periods
  • Student accounts are pre-set, the administrator controls the invitations
  • Guardian / advisor data is also pre-configured, the administrator controls the invitations
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Do I need to do backups of my class data?

  • No - all your data is automatically backed up to the cloud
  • You can sign into your TrackCC account from another device and your data is loaded from the cloud
  • You can export all your data as CSV files if you want to do further analysis in Excel
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Can the administrator view and edit my data - e.g. daily attendance?

  • Yes, the administrator has real-time access to your class data
  • The administrator can both view and edit your data
  • You’ll see a popup if the administrator makes an edit while you’re online with the app
  • The popup says “Synching data with, please wait…”
  • This will take a brief moment, while the updates are applied to your account
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If I want to send email to my students, or the guardians / advisors, how can I do it?

  • Presently, the email tool is available on the TrackCC website
  • Sign into your account on and navigate to Teachers / My teacher account
  • Click on the “Email students” or “Email guardians / advisors” menu button
  • You will be able to select which students or guardians / advisors to send the email to
  • You can also include attachments, e.g. an image or document describing the homework
  • You can copy yourself on the message to keep track of what you’ve sent
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Can I customize the attendance legends or the behavior types?

  • No, the administrator is in charge of all customizations
  • This ensures that the school is using consistent legends & customizations
  • Note that the behavior and grading types can be customized per class (by the administrator)
  • - If you wish to have a change made, contact your administrator
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Can another teacher sign in on my account?

  • Yes, you can share your teacher account login with e.g. a substitute teacher
  • The data is automatically synced between multiple devices
  • This means that you’ll see the substitute teacher’s updates to the class data in real time
  • Similarly, the administrator will see your changes in real time
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What are the steps to setup my school

  • Activate yourself as a school administrator
    • On the website, navigate to Administrators / My administrator account
    • On the app, tap Administrator / Create account
    • Create yourself an account unless you already have one
    • There’s an automatic free trial that supports up to 5 students and up to 200 teachers
  • Create your school classes and students, and assign the classes to your teachers
    • This step is easiest to do in a single step via file upload
    • Download the sample school file to get the correct column headers
    • Replace the sample data with your own
  • Customize your school setup
    • In “School settings” decide which TrackCC features your school will use
    • Customize the attendance, behavior and grading legends
    • Define your grading symbols, grading allocation & statistics periods
  • Purchase student licenses
    • You can purchase licenses incrementally, e.g. starting with 10 license
  • Instructions for your teachers
    • Install the TrackCC app for iOS, macOS or Android, or go to the TrackCC website
    • Sign in with the email address & default password in the invitation
    • The app will then automatically download the school data assigned to the teacher
    • Thereafter the teacher can start recording attendance, behavior or grading
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Once I have my school setup, what do I tell my teachers?

  • When you assign a teacher a license, that teacher will receive an email with instructions
  • The instructions say
    • To install the TrackCC app from Google Play or Apple App Store
    • Then sign in with email address & password specified in the instructions
    • You can set the initial password (which is trackcc by default)
    • Once signed in, the teacher is required to change the password for the account
  • The teacher is then ready to start recording attendance, behavior or grading data
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What changes can the teacher make - and what changes are only possible by the administrator?

  • Only the administrator can:
    • Select which functions are enabled for the school
    • Add / update students & student info items
    • Add classes and make student assignments to classes
    • Define statistics periods
    • Customize attendance / Behavior / Grading items & legends
  • The teacher can update:
    • Add student photos
    • Add class photos
    • Record attendance / Behavior / Grading data
    • Add student notes and class notes including photo attachments
    • Send email to teacher’s own students & guardians / advisors
  • Note that the administrator can also do all the same functions as the teacher
    • So the administrator can edit attendance data to make corrections
    • Or add a missing class notes announcement on the teacher’s behalf
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If the teacher is sick and I get a substitute teacher, how can data still be kept up to date?

  • The substitute teacher would install the TrackCC app
    • And sign into the teacher’s TrackCC account
    • The data will auto-sync to the teacher’s own device at home
  • Once the teacher returns to work
    • And change the account password
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In part of my school I want to use just Attendance, and in another, I want to use all functions. How?

  • You could setup two administrator accounts
  • This allows the school settings to be different for the two sections of your school
  • You’d enable just Attendance for one, and all functions for the other
  • You’d need to sign in & sign out to access the two administrator accounts
  • If the teachers are separate for each school, the number of teacher license purchases the same
  • You may lose out on the volume discount percentage
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I have an ice-skating school where the students change every 3 months - how do I set this up?

  • You’d want to setup each period as a separate “School term”, for example:
    • School term = 2019 Summer
    • School term = 2019 Fall
    • School term = 2020 Winter
    • School term = 2020 Spring
  • You’d upload your student & class list separately for each new school term
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What are the “Info 1”, “Info 2” etc. fields on the school upload file?

  • These are for uploading additional student info items, for example:
    • Home address
    • Allergies
    • Names of siblings in the same school
  • After uploading, you can customize the “Info x” labels
  • The student info items are visible to admin & teachers only
  • Students and guardians / advisors will only see the student name
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I am having problems uploading my school file, what can I do?

  • Email the file you’re trying to upload to
  • We typically respond within the hour (unless we’re sleeping)
  • The most typical problems are:
    • Incorrect column headers
    • Incomplete data
    • Wrong file type
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How can I include the same student in multiple classes?

  • On the school upload file, repeat the row with the same student info, and just change the class name
  • Or, on the admin page, add the additional classes by clicking “Student name” / “Assign classes”
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How can I assign multiple teachers to teach the same class?

  • If a single teacher teaches a class of 50 students, you’d repeat the same teacher name for each student row with the same class name
  • If the same class has 5 teachers, you’d include each teacher at least once (or repeat each teacher 10 times)
  • Or, on the admin page, add the additional teachers by clicking “Class name” / “Assign teachers”
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How can I allow another admin to have access to the school data via the app & website?

  • On the school upload file, Assign the admin as an additional teacher to each class
  • This will allow the extra admin to view all student info and view / edit recoded data on the app & website
  • Or, share the admin login credentials with the other admin to have full access via the website
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I have adult students. How can I give student advisors access to the student data?

  • You can invite the advisors as “guardians / advisors” for each student
  • The advisors will be able to view but not edit all recorded student data
  • You can configure notifications to be sent to advisors via the app or via email message
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Why would I enable the "Check-out view”?

  • This option is for schools which desire to track both when students check-in (attendance) and when they check-out. This may be a useful feature for organizations such as daycare who want to keep track when and how students are picked up or by employers to track when their employees depart from work.
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How would I benefit from the "Time in class” feature?

  • This option allows for administrators, teachers, students and parents to view the time a student has spent in class (calculated by the difference between check-in time and check-out time in attendance). This can be used to keep track of total hours the student has spent in class during the day and by using statistics periods, show cumulative time spent in class per week, per month or per semester.
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How can I transfer my school data to a new term?

  • This option allows for administrators, teachers, students and parents to view the time a student has spent in class (calculated by the difference between check-in time and check-out time in attendance). This can be used to keep track of total hours the student has spent in class during the day and by using statistics periods, show cumulative time spent in class per week, per month or per semester.
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How do I best distinguish classes (i.e. multiple sections of a class) with the same name?

  • You can add the class number, period, dates of class or teacher to the title of the class name. For example, if the same teacher teaches Math for 2 sets of students, you would create two classes with class names “Math Period 1” and “Math Period 2”.
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Some of my students are young and do not have emails, while others are older and do. Can I have non-email accounts for some students and email accounts for others?

  • Yes, you can mix both email accounts and non-email accounts, or a student can have both accounts enabled. The non-email accounts are turned on via “Student contacts” on the website - and via Settings when using the app as Teacher PRO. You can enable non-email accounts for all of your students, even if some may use normal email accounts instead.
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How can I set up the self-attendance feature as a teacher - and for my students?

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How does the self-reported attendance work?

  • As teacher, you define which QR code is valid for your class. This code can be changed daily. You’d invite your students to have access to your class. Students sign in to the TrackCC app and tap “Check in to today’s class” and then scan the QR code at the class entrance for an in-person class, or in an email sent by you for an online class. The student check-in is recorded instantly - and you can tap the “Sync” button on the Attendance button to view who’s checked in.
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As a teacher, why would I want to allow my students to self-report to class?

  • The key motivation is to save time in the beginning of the class to record attendance yourself. You also won’t need to interrupt teaching in the middle of a class to record attendance for a student who arrives late.
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Can I use the self-reported attendance feature also for online classes?

  • Yes, you can email the QR code to the students just before the class and have the students scan that QR code with their phones.
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Can I use the self-reported attendance for both checking into the class - and checking out?

  • Yes, you’d set “Check-out view = On” in the teacher settings. The students will be able to check out from class only after first checking in. The QR code is the same for both check-in and check-out.
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What if one student takes the photo of the QR code and sends that to her student friend who then checks into class from home?

  • As teacher, you will be able to view the map location where the QR code was scanned to help prevent students from cheating this way.
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Does the app keep track when the QR code was scanned?

  • Yes, you get a time stamp of when the student scanned the QR code. This allows you to then mark that student as “Tardy” based on your own criteria of how many minutes late you’re allowing students to check in.
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What if someone removes or damages the QR code at the class entrance?

  • The students can still do their own check In, by tapping “Check in without QR code”. As teacher, you’ll be able to view who checked in without the code.
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How I can prevent a student from checking in after the class is already over?

  • As teacher, you can change the QR code for your class after the check-in window is closed - any student scanning the earlier code will get “Incorrect code” error message. You can also mark the students with status “Not recorded” as “Absent - unexcused”. Once a teacher has recorded attendance for the student, the student will not be able to self-record.
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Can students self-report being sick, unable to attend class?

  • Yes, students would tap “Check in without code” and then select “Report as Absent”. The students can add optional notes about the reasons for their absence report.
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I have multiple classes during the same day. Can I keep the QR code the same for all classes?

  • Yes, you can use the same QR code for all classes - or a different one for each.
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How can I trial the self-attendance feature without having to pay first?

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If a student self-reports by mistake at the wrong time or day, how can I undo the student’s attendance record?

  • As teacher, you’d tap Attendance / Student Name and select “Not recorded” for the given class / date
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When students are checking in, how can I view the the status of who’s still missing on my teacher app?

  • You can refresh the status on the app’s Attendance / Student view by tapping the “Sync” button on the top right corner.
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If a student first self-reports as present, then leaves the class due to illness, how I can I record that?

  • As teacher, you can always override the student’s self-reported attendance / absence by editing the student’s attendance record.
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Looks like there are optional questions I can ask of the students at check-in and at check-out. Can I edit these to fit my class?

  • Yes, you can edit the default questions, and add more. The limit is 100 questions for each. The questions can be different for each class.
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As teacher, how can I view the answers to the Yes / No questions asked at check-in and check-out?

  • You’d tap Attendance / Student Name and tap the “Q & A Answers” toolbar button.
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If I want to save the student’s answers to the Yes / No questions as a historical record, how can I change the questions without affecting the prior answers?

  • When editing the questions, you’d select to “Hide” the old questions and add new ones. This will preserve the answers to the previous ones.
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What are the main benefits for the messaging feature?

  • The messaging works on the native TrackCC app for iOS and Android
  • Teachers and schools can use the messaging feature to communicate with students and guardians
  • The messaging is bi-directional, students & guardians can message the teacher back
  • The user interface looks similar to popular messaging apps such as iOS Messages and WhatsApp
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What do I need to do to exchange messages with my students using the TrackCC app?

  • As a teacher, or school admin, you’d invite your students (using their email address) to create a TrackCC account
  • The students would then install the TrackCC app and create a student account using that email & create their own password
  • You can then start sending messages to the students and they can reply back to you
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Do I have to use real email addresses for the student accounts?

  • No, you can also create "non-email” accounts for your students
  • Students will sign in with their non-email account & default password you create
  • Once signed in, the students are required to create their own password
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Can I send just text or also photos - and is there a limit on the size of the message?

  • You can also send photos and documents (e.g. PDF, XLSX, DOCX)
  • Videos are not supported
  • Photos will be scaled down to about 1MB in size
  • The maximum document size is 2MB
  • There is no maximum size on the text message
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I am a school administrator, can I use messages to communicate with my teachers?

  • Yes, the school admin can use the app to exchange messages with school teachers
  • The admin can also message all students and guardians in the school
  • You’d sign in as administrator using your school admin login on the app
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What are the limitations for the messaging feature?

  • You must use the TrackCC app in order to send and receive messages
  • Students cannot message other students, they can only message teachers
  • Guardians cannot message students or other guardians, they can only message teachers
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Is there a way to save images and documents from messages on my device?

  • Yes, a long tap on the image gives you an option to save the image to your photo library
  • You can also copy the contents of a text message by doing a long tap
  • A long tap on your sent message allows you to also delete the message from your own view
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As a teacher, how can I send a group message to all my students?

  • Once you’ve invited all your students to TrackCC, you can use the app to send group messages
  • You tap Messages and then tap Students
  • You can then tap “Select multiple / Select all” to send a message to everyone
  • Or, you can select a specific class only, or select a subset of the students
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Can I send multiple photos or documents?

  • Photos and documents must be sent one at a time, but you can send multiple in a row
  • You select the recipient(s), attach the photo or document and tap “Send"
  • You can then repeat attaching another photo or document without having to reselect the recipient(s)
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How long are the messages archived?

  • The messages are stored online until you choose to delete your teacher or administrator account
  • If you start a new school term, you can still access messages from the previous school term
  • In a school, the administrator has access to all messages, and teachers have access to their own messages
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Can I use the TrackCC app to send text messages to someone who does not have the app?

  • No, the messages can only be sent and received with the TrackCC app
  • Messages are accessible only to those who have a valid account and are invited to have access
  • The teacher controls access at a school using Teacher PRO
  • The administrator controls access at a school using School PRO
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Using messaging, how can I share a Word document with my students?

  • Install Word on your device
  • Open the document you want to share in Word
  • On iOS, tap Share / Send a Copy / Send with Another App / TrackCC
  • On Android, tap Share / Share as Attachment / TrackCC
  • To share / print from TrackCC, long tap on the document and select Share
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How will I know when I receive a message and who it is from?

  • The app will display / sound a notification similar to other messaging apps
  • The app will display a red circle when there’s an unread message
  • You can then follow similar red circles inside the app to find who sent the message
  • You can customize the notification settings via iOS / Android settings